Thursday, June 08, 2006


There's a group out of Minnesota urging people to submit what is called a "memorial", basically a formal citizen complaint/demand, to Congress to impeach Bush. In theory, submitting these memorials is a way to initiate impeachment proceedings. It has been used before successfully to impeach a federal judge.

I urge all who read this to go to and download the Do-It-Yourself Impeachment PDF file. Follow those instructions and help impeach the most corrupt President this nation has ever had. Also, please spread the word. Post this on your journal/blog (who cares if the same 5 people who read this also read yours? let's peer pressure 'em), e-mail it to your friends, whatever it takes to spread the word.

Who knows if it will work. Congress may ignore it all. But I hope not. All I know is, I cannot sit idly by and watch the current "administration" continue its reign of crime unchecked. Knowing others are being drummed up to do this, to give voice to our common complaint - I cannot in good conscience ignore this opportunity to make ourselves heard.


Wiwille said...

Preach on brother. May President Poopyhead be dethroned. Then again we'd be stuck with Cheney. I don't know which is worse. The puppet or the devil pulling the strings.

Mattbear said...

I also fear the words President Cheney. But then again, I say impeach him too. And how will it really be worse? He's running the puppet already.

We have to send a message to these bastards. Their criminal behavior cannot be tolerated.