Monday, January 22, 2007

News of the Stupid

Just wanted to bring to your attention some news stories involving dumb people.

First up, a Louisiana woman convinced neighbors she worked for the CIA, and that for a fee she could get the CIA to scan them with satelites and then give them cures for various diseases and problems while they slept. She made nearly a million dollars from this scam. Some of these people were gullible enough to pillage their pensions and life savings to pay for this "CIA satelite scan".

Second, the ACLU apparently found time to defend a high school nerd who wanted to pose for his yearbook photo in chain mail and holding a sword. The student won. What's stupid about this, other than the obvious? "the school has allowed students to pose for more than a decade with props that show their interests...past editions of the yearbook have had pictures of other items banned by school rules, including a corn-cob pipe, liquor bottles, a beer stein, toy guns, arrows and a knife."
Does liqour count as an "interest" now for high schoolers?

And now, the Two Minutes Hate:
You know what I hate? Many people at my work feel so self-important that they just block out the rest of the world and don't pay attention to anyone but themselves. People frequently stop dead in the hallways or even doorways, blocking all traffic, to hold a conversation about such-and-such bullshit business babble or check their e-mail on the laptop they are carrying around open. And they don't even notice. I can't count the number of times I've spilled coffee on myself because some self-absorbed idiot wasn't watching where he's going.
I hate that.

Mattbear out.


Wiwille said...

If only you were young and single and could afford to say "watch where you're going pig fucking excuse for a human"

Mattbear said...

Ah, I only wish.

Psyber Wolf said...

Perhaps you should make a point to spill coffie on those idiots too, instead of yourself, kinda like
*bump* coffee splashes on you, then the Accidental *knee-jerk reaction* where the coffee suddenly flys at them as well.

Then when their laptop is shorted out they won't have an excuse for blocking the door way because their laptop is toast.

Or you can invite me over and I'll simply knock them down and say,..

Ooop, sorry didnt see you I was too busy playing my game boy advanced, you know, the old game boy thats like, three generations behind the curve, sorry about your current next-gen laptop, looks kinda exspensive. I got this one for under 20 bucks, nice hu?

Memophage said...

I'll add an entry to your "dumb persons" list:

How not to rob a liquor store.

Mattbear said...

Psyber - believe me, I have been tempted to spill the coffee on a few people. But I just can't bring myself to waste coffee on them.

Memophage - Wow.