Tuesday, November 07, 2006


So, due to record flooding in the area, I am stuck at home today. Better than being stuck at work, I guess. All the roads into our town are flooded today. This is one of the roads out of town:

This is the town downhill from us:


Changing topics, sort of: I am often accused of hating everything, or hating a lot of things. The truth is I really don't hate more than the average person, I'm just very vocal about it, so people think I hate everything. However, I am going to take this perception and turn it into a new "feature" for my blog: The Two Minutes Hate. If you don't know where I cribbed that name, may I suggest you do more reading?
On most blog posts, I will tack the Two Minutes Hate at the end, where I will rant briefly about something I hate. Naturally, some posts will entirely be the Two Minutes Hate, like when I'm talking about certain topics.

Now, for today's Two Minutes Hate: You know what I hate? Global Warming. We are so screwed here. I mean just look at this flooding...this is record-breaking stuff. It's hard to deny there are some seriously bad things going wrong with our climate and environment. Damn it I hate Global Warming!


Wiwille said...

So this is your excuse for not voting?

Mattbear said...

Actually, I didn't vote, and for the first time in my life I'm pissed off about not voting.

I really wanted to, but I forgot I needed to re-register since I moved...and by the time I remembered, it was past the deadline for registering to be able to vote in this election. So I didn't get to vote. Didn't want to pull an Anne Coulter.

Wiwille said...

Mattbear wanted to vote...sniff...I'm so proud...sniff...

rawbean said...

we are SO screwed! Did you see "An inconvenient truth?"

Mattbear said...

No, I have not yet seen that. Not sure I want to. Would just depress me more.