Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Am I Evil?

I am generally a nice guy. I try to act like a gentleman, holding doors for people and such. I let people go in front of me at the grocery store if they have only a few items or have an impatient kid.

But every now and again, I get the worst kind of compulsions to do really cruel things. If someone cuts me off in traffic or doesn't use a turn signal, I have to remind myself that I could go to prison if I speed up and ram them off the road.

Today there are window washers at our buildings. As I went into the cafeteria to get lunch, they were three floors up, and the ropes from their rigs hung to the ground. I had to consciously restrain myself from grabbing one of the ropes and running back and forth as fast as I could.

I know everybody gets these horrible thoughts or urges once in awhile. What I find myself wondering is, does everyone get them as strongly as I do? To the point that they have to stop and think to themselves, "No, I mustn't do that, it's wrong"?

And what makes us think like that, anyway?


Claire said...

I think it's just human nature. If you followed through, then evil would you be? Maybe. Just thinking though? Totally natural.


Mang said...

Of course you're evil, not that theres anything wrong with that.

Anonymous said...

The answer, at least for me is an astounding, Ummm SHHHYYYEAAAHHHH. But then again, I KNOW I am evil.

Wiwille said...

I think we all have those devil on our shoulders. The natural world is brutal.

Memophage said...

My son, who is about to turn three, recently started playing this game with his cars.

For instance, if he's in the bathtub, he'll drive the car along the side of the tub toward the back wall, and say Help! Help!. Then he'll look at me, and I'm supposed to scream and say "Help Help! Don't crash! Nooo!", at which point he crashes the car into the wall and falls into the water, accompanied by "crash" sound, and then manic laughter.

It must be in the DNA.

Mattbear said...

@Claire and Wiwille: Thank you for confirming that I am not evil. The good side of me appreciates that.

@Justin and Princess Kitten: Thank you for confirming that I am evil. The dark side of me appreciates that.

@Memophage: I foresee our sons plotting world domination together. Let us work to make sure they take good care of us after they do.