Wednesday, April 16, 2008

They could have just given me that money...

Sometimes, it's embarassing to work for Microsoft. From time to time, the funny videos they do for the company meeting or for internal consumption get leaked, and to an outsider they often look dumb. The "inside joke" can be lost on the general public.

And then there are videos that marketing does, that just make us all wonder how out of touch these people are. Like the one below. I take no responsibility for the damage this may do to your brain.


Wiwille said...

Thanks for sharing with the rest of the class.

Memophage said...

Ow! Ow ow ow!

I hope the people in that video were well compensated for their complete loss of self-respect.

How much is an ego worth these days?

Mattbear said...

Wiwille - You're welcome. As I said, blame Will, he sent it to me.

Memophage - Everybody has a price. Everybody.

Mine's $39.95, by the way.

Memophage said...

Do you take Paypal?

Mattbear said...

No way. Cold, hard cash only.

Mizzle said...

Yeah I might be sipping the MS kool-aid for just getting hired right now, but that is downright wrong. I hope someone got fired when it was leaked. And then they realize they got fired over that...kinda like the SP3 release date leak...